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vendredi 9 décembre 2016



EXPLOSIVE ARM WORKOUTSEven if you're not running around shirtless or in tanks and polos, one can argue your arms are still on display all-year round. Women can sneak peeks at your physique through dress shirts, but only an impressive set of guns will be catch her eye through flannels and bulky sweaters. Lucky for you we've got 10 arm-specific routines, courtesy of celebrity personal trainer Chase Weber, that'll make it pretty damn hard for her to keep her eyes, and hands, off you.

Prescription: "Depending on what your goals are, biceps and triceps days should be done 2-3 times a week," Weber says. "If you're not a regular lifter, develop a consistent workout regimen before progressing to these types of bi-tri workouts," he says, "adding bicep movements at the end as an accessory."

Expert tip: "Be sure to get full extension on all movements to elongate the muscle and use different shoulder positions," Weber recommends.

Dynamic warmup: Complete about 5 minutes of glute activation exercises, then another 5-7 minutes of the remaining exercises before every workout.
Dynamic warmup

  • workout 1 :

Directions: Complete 3 sets, taking 2 minutes rest between rounds.

Barbell High Pulls x 8 (How to do it: Load a barbell with 65% of your body weight. Grab the bar just outside shoulder width so it's off the ground. Bend your knees and hinge at your hips to lower the weight just above your knees. Explode through your hips and knees while you pull the bar up to chest level, spreading your elbows wide.)
Dumbbell Bentover Row x 12
Wide-Grip Pullups x 8
EZ-Bar Curls (Inside Grip) x 10 

  • workout 2 :
Directions: Complete 4 sets, taking 1:30 minutes rest between rounds. 

Barbell Bench Press x 8 (weight should be 75% of one-rep bench press max)
Dumbbell Bench Press x 16 (weight should be 40% of one-rep bench press max)
Plank Hold x 1 minute  
Elbow Plank to Pushups x 12

  • workout 3  :
Directions: Complete 4 sets, taking 1:45 minutes rest between rounds.

Barbell Reverse Grip x 10 (use a weight that allows you to get 10 reps)
Single-Arm Dumbbell Curls x 8 
Dumbbell Plank Rows x 16 
Farmer's Walk x 30 seconds

  • workout 4 :
Directions: Complete 4 sets, taking 2 minutes rest between rounds.

Neutral-Grip Pullups x 10 (palms facing each other)
Pullup Hold x 30 seconds (at the top position)
Band Curls for Speed x 30 seconds (How to do it: Step on the middle of a resistance band and curl both arms as quickly as possible, either holding on to the handles or ends of the band.)
Band Half-Curl Hold x 30 seconds (How to do it: Step on the middle of a resistance band. Curl your arms half-way and hold this position.)

  • workout 5 :
Directions: Complete 3 sets, taking 2:30 minutes rest between rounds. 

Dumbbell Bench Press x 8 (weight should be 65% of one-rep bench press max)
Elevated Plyo Pushups x 12 
Tricep Pull Down x 10 (How to do it: Hold for second pause at the bottom 
Skull Crushers x 12 (How to do it: Grab dumbbells that weigh 40% of your one-rep max. Lie flat on a bench with arms straight and dumbbells over your chest, palms facing each other. Bend your elbows and lower the weights to either side of your head.)

  • workout 6  :
Directions: Complete 8 sets, taking 45 seconds between rounds. 

Pushup x failure (pause 1 sec at bottom)

  • workout 7  :
Directions: Complete 3-4 sets, taking 2 minutes rest between rounds.

Incline Bench Press x 20 (weight should be 35% of your one-rep bench press max)
Single-Arm Rows x 12 reps each side (weight should be 70% of one-rep max)
Wide-Grip Lat Pulldowns x 8 (as much weight as you can handle, while maintaining control)
Lying Overhead Pullovers x 10 (How to do it: Lie with your shoulders on a bench and feet flat on the floor. Hold a dumbbell (that's 60% of your max) with both hands supporting and cradling one end directly over your chest. Slowly arc your arms overhead until your arms are parallel to your body (if you can). Then, pull the dumbbell back to the start, using your lats.)
  • workout 8 :

Directions: Complete 3 sets, taking 2 minutes rest between rounds. 

Gun Salute x 21 (How to do it: Grab a barbell or EZ bar. Do 7 half curls: bottom to mid-way point; 7 upper-half curls: mid-way point to upper portion of a curl; and 7 full curls.)
Seated Superband Rows x 25 seconds
Single-Arm Pulldowns x 10 
Plate Walk x 40 steps (25 to 45lb plates in each hand)

  • workout 9 :

Directions: Complete 4 sets, taking 3 minutes rest between rounds. 

Dumbbell Bench Press x 5 (weight should be 85% of your one-rep bench press max) 
Dips x 10 (Expert tip: Add weights to make it more difficult) 
Close-Grip Pushups x 25 

  • workout 10 :

Directions: Complete 4 sets, taking 2 minutes rest between rounds. 

Pushup on 1 Kettlebell x 15 (both hands on handle of KB)
Skull Crushers w/ 2 Kettlebells or Dumbbells x15 (How to do it: Lie on a bench with 2 kettlebells or dumbbells in either hand. Begin with arms straight over your chest. Lower the weights until your elbows are bent at 90 degrees, then pull your arms back to the start.)
Seated Alternating Band Pulldowns x 15 each (How to do it: Sit on the floor in front of a cable pulley or attach resistance bands to a pullup bar. Holding either end of a resistance band or the handles of a cable pulley, alternately pull down to your chest.)
Lateral Raises x 15 each side (use 2 dumbbells)