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lundi 12 décembre 2016

Is My Hair Loss Genetic ?


Although not the primary cause of male-pattern hair loss, genetics does have a significant role in male-pattern hair loss. It is, however, polygenic, in that there is more than one factor at work. It is unclear whether having an affected mother or an affected father predisposes descendants to greater risks.

Can hair loss occur in teenagers?

Male-pattern hair loss can occur as early as 15, although it typically begins anywhere from the 20s and early 30s. Familial history may help determine if this is going to occur, as parents with a history of early-onset male-pattern hair loss may increase the risk for this to occur in descendants. Alopecia areata and telogen effluvium, two other forms of temporary hair loss, can occur in children as young as one year of age. Other precipitating factors may also be involved.

What is the cause of sudden hair loss?

Stressors to your system, such as illness, high fever, pregnancy, extreme weight loss or gain, and drug use, can cause temporary hair loss. This occurs when the ratio of growing to resting hairs is upset and more of the growing hair shifts into a resting phase. A greater quantity of normally sleeping hairs falls outHealth Fitness Articles, prompting a visit to the trichologist.

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