Birthmark, or nevus, is a blemish on the skin that is present at birth. Birthmarks do not usually cause problems, although there are some abnormal marks, such as a port-wine stain, which may require treatment.
Question: What are the main types of birthmarks?
The most common birthmark is a simple skin discoloration (nevus pigmentosus), which may be any color from light yellow to black. A mole is typical of this type of birthmark. It does not need treatment, unless it is irritated by clothing or is disfiguring.
Rarer types of birthmarks are generally the result of having a cluster of blood vessels just below the surface of the skin. Typical of this type is the strawberry nevus. It is a slightly raised reddish or purplish mark that appears most often on the face, head, neck, or arms. It grows rapidly for the first year after birth and then decreases in size. In most children it disappears by the age of five.
A port-wine stain is a complex birthmark, sometimes flat, sometimes raised and bumpy. It does not disappear but grows in proportion with the rest of the body. Like a strawberry nevus, it is caused by expanded blood vessels below the surface of the skin.
Question: Why should some birthmarks be removed?
If birthmarks of the port-wine stain type are large enough or serious enough to cause danger in case of injury, they may be removed by plastic surgery. In many cases, removal of a birthmark is not medically advisedFree Reprint Articles, but cosmetics can be used to reduce any embarrassment that the blemish might cause.
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