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samedi 10 décembre 2016

How to intensify beard hair naturally & fast in 6 days


These days a very important class of people are suffering from the UN-growth of their beard hair, for slow or non-dense reasons, which makes it an important topic for young people because that is a derogation of their attractiveness and elegance, also the density of the beard is considered as proof of good-looking.

We see a lot of them are looking around this topic in how to intensify beard hair and accelerate its growth, the reason of the Non-density of the chin hair is the failure in the performance of male hormones, as it could be the result of some genetic factors, even it is mostly may be due Vixen disease, so you should consult your doctor.
because the non-growth of beard hair has several causes that should be researched to determine the main one, if the flaw was hormonally it must be correct, and if the hair despite all the attempts didn't grow than it maybe in cause of the family and Hereditary  (such as a lack of the hair as your first class relatives like you Brother and Father), therefore you must survey all members of the family, the male ones about their history in the growth of the beard hair. 

  • The intensification of beard hair through the Minoxidil 
Before thinking about drugs, and anabolic steroids you must search for the main reason through the required analysis and visit the endocrinologist.

and knowing that there are some patients have a natural hormone level, but there are no receptors in specific locations, so no hair grows in, especially in these places, so you don't have to worry we will try to show you some of the  simple and effective therapeutic methods.
in this context, we recommend that you need to use natural herbs, oils and supplements that help to have a strong and attractive hair, it also supplies the body with necessary vitamins that help significantly in the growth of the vermicelli follicles. 

  •  The very effective Natural mixtures to intensify your beard  
  • Buy intensify beard products and this is the best way :
We will provide you, the top 4 products to intensify your beard. A 100% natural Products  which is better than the other way as you you can note the result in less than 15 days. You can buy the product from Amazon by clicking on the link or the product image. 

  • Make a paste of lemon juice and cinnamon powder to intensify the beard really quickly : 

Put a small amount of the paste over the face and leave it on for about 15 to 20 minutes, rinse with cold water, put moisturizer on the skin to protect it from drying out, use the same therapeutic method twice a week.
  • The mixture of Amla oil with mustard leaves to intensify the beard : 

Make a paste of mustard leaves and add some drops of the Amla oil, and then after you prepare the dough, put it for up to 20 minutes on the beard area that you want to grow quickly, and then rinse your face with cold water, and repeat this method about three or four times a week until you get the desired result. Dabur Amla Oil is considered as one of the most important oils that work on lengthening the hair of the body, so it is advised to use it to straighten beard, and if you want a real result, just add Amla oil to the beard area and then leave it for a period ranging from 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse the area you put it the oil with cold water then clean it. 

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