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dimanche 11 décembre 2016

Lighten up Your Bikini Areas


The color change of the sensitive areas and darkening Is  a critical subject for  girls and women , but no problems after today, would you want to whiten black sensitive areas ? In this framework I will put between your hands, different ways to lighten the sensitive areas, but first let's find out the causes of the darkening of the sensitive area to try to avoid them.

the reasons of darkening Bikini Areas : 

  • Wear outer clothing and internal made of synthetic fibers polyester.
  • Use a razor in removing hair from the sensitive area, or hair removal creams.
  • Moisten sensitive area continually,  leads to the activity of bacteria and fungi.
  • Occupation, especially in the case of the adhesion of thighs or the magnitude of them.
And to cure this problem permanently here some effective natural recipes:

  • The first Mixture:

Ingredients : Vaseline children – almond oil – castor oil – glycerin liquid. 

Method of preparation : Put Vaseline in the tray, then put over it one teaspoon glycerin and half teaspoon castor oil and one and a half tablespoons of almond oil, then you mix, mix well until it becomes Vaseline Lin. 

Method of use : Every day after the bath, put the amount of vinegar for an hour on the area to be lightened , you will see the result after 3 days, the bikini area will become more whiter than before, and after five more days, you'll find that the area has the same color as the body, and that vinegar can be used to the armpit area and all of your body became one color. 

  • The second Mixture (the olive oil):

Ingredients : A glass and half of cold water, or three spoons of olive oil, and a spoon of salt or sugar, a half cup of children talcum powder. 

Method of preparation : Solubility sugar or salt in the water until it disappears completely and make sure that is just a few quantity, and then shores to the rest of the ingredients, and mix them well, then put it on the fire for a very short time until it warms a bit. 

Method of use : Put it on the black spots in the sensitive areas and rub well gently and don't take a shower before two to four hours, and preferably place it after bathing, you can use it daily for two weeks once or more according to your desire, the results  showed after two weeks of use daily once or twice. 

  • The third Mixture :

Ingredients : glycerin Oil, one lemon.

Method of preparation :Mix the juice with the oil.

Method of use : Use vinegar for a week, and the result starts to emerge after three days of application. 

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